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Monday, September 27, 2010

Pollution Increases Risk of Heart Attack, Natural Methods to Boost Your Immune System

[Heart and Immune System]

The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research and the Long Island Jewish Medical Center conducted a study on increased risk of cardiac arrest brought about by pollution. The researchers studied the effects of fine particles in the air on different medical conditions including asthma and cardiovascular disease.

The levels of pollution in the air is being monitored by the US Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA, through strategically positioned pollution sensors that measures the levels of pollution present in the air in various towns and cities throughout the United States. The sensors provide the agency with a collection of fine particles and gaseous pollutants in the air and they were able to record the types of pollutants and level of pollution in New York during winter and summer months. This data was then compared against hospital records of cardiac arrest from 2002 to 2006. The goal was to determine if most cardiac arrest cases happened during high pollution days.

The study showed that with an increase of 10 micrograms per cubic meter of pollutants above the EPA standard of 35 micrograms per cubic meter, the cases of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest cases increased by 4 to 10 percent. The influence of air pollutants in the numbers of cardiac arrest was greater during summer months. The group of researchers, led by Dr Silverman of the LIJ Department of Emergency Medicine, also evaluated the levels of harmful compounds in the air such as sulfur dioxide, nitric oxide and carbon monoxide. However, the said compounds did not show any substantial influence over cardiac arrest cases.

Besides the death records, the researchers used data from 33 EPA monitors and they worked in collaboration with the Institute of Environmental Medicine at New York University and the New York Fire Department. Dr Silverman said that fine pollutants in the air are harmful to health and added that high pollution days need to be decreased. The research also showed that cardiac arrest cases related to pollution happened during high pollution days but recorded pollution level was still below EPA limit.

Immunity and Pollution

A person’s immune system is composed of different processes and biological structures that primarily protect him against diseases. The immune system distinguishes foreign agents like viruses and harmful bacteria from the body’s healthy cells and attacks them. The process of detection is complicated since disease-causing bacteria, viruses and other pathogens, in general, can evolve. But the immune system has its way of adapting to the changes and this is can be artificially assisted through immunization.

Though the immune system works hard in keeping the body healthy, there will still be instances wherein it becomes overwhelmed by fast reproducing bacteria. Bacteria then produce toxins that harm the body and this is when you get sick. The rising level of pollution is also affecting the body’s natural defense against diseases. Being the body’s last form of defense, the immune system may not be adaptive enough to cope up with environmental changes and it will need all the help that the person can give.

Though there has been improved awareness regarding the harmful effects of different chemicals to the environment, people still do not realize how these may affect the immune system through the food one eats, the quality of water a person drinks and the air one breathes. It is a person’s responsibility to keep his immune system in great working condition, and the best way of doing it is by going the natural way. There can be no better way of boosting your immune system but by keeping a healthy and balanced diet, and maintaining an active lifestyle.

Natural Immunity Boosters

The environment has a lot to offer in order to allow you to protect yourself naturally from harmful pollutants and to boost your immune system as well. Natural immune boosters are contained in food and you will only need to choose the ones which will benefit you the most. Some of the minerals that the body needs to function properly are calcium, copper and zinc. The body also needs sufficient dosage of vitamin c to help the body get rid of toxins and harmful heavy metals.


Finding the right type of foods to boost your immune system is as easy as passing through the produce aisle. Fruits and vegetables have been clinically proven to contain high levels of natural immunity booster antioxidants. Antioxidants are minerals, vitamins and other nutrients that repairs and protect the cells from harmful free radicals. The damages caused by free radicals are known to be the cause of chronic diseases like cancer, atherosclerosis and arthritis. Also, free radicals are the strongest enemies of the immune system. So having a sufficient dosage of antioxidants everyday, by eating the right food in the right amount, is the best natural method of boosting the immune system.

The most potent antioxidants are beta-carotene and other carotenoids, vitamin E and vitamin C. Carotenoids, including beta-carotene, are contained in asparagus, apricots, broccoli, beets, carrots, cantaloupe, green peppers, corn, mangoes, peaches and a lot more. Vitamin C is abundant in mangoes, oranges, kiwi, honeydew, kale, papaya, strawberries and tomatoes. Vitamin E, on the other hand, is found in broccoli, carrots, mustard, chard, mangoes, papaya, and sunflower seeds.

Coenzyme Q 10

Coenzyme Q 10 is a cofactor for enzymes needed in building and repairing cells. The cofactor is found in high concentration in the liver and heart and it is naturally synthesized by the body. It is an antioxidant that helps the body in eliminating free radicals. The natural sources of Co Q 10 are beef, liver, kidney, sardines, soy oil, mackerel, and nuts.


Selenium is another natural immunity booster. It is a cofactor that helps bodily enzymes in functioning properly.  It is also an antioxidant that helps the body get rid of free radicals that may cause harm to cells. The rich sources of selenium are fruits and vegetables. The level of selenium content may depend on the selenium content of the soil. Selenium is also being studied for its anti-cancer properties.

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