Original Content at http://www.opednews.com/articles/Haiti-I-Can-t-Stand-the-R-by-Ezili-Danto-Margue-101004-502.html
By Ezili Danto/Marguerite Laurent I Can't Stand the Rain "It's been raining for days and days and days now with no significant let-up. The rain drops feel like tears. The sobbing of 300,000 Haitians gone in 33 seconds on January 12, 2010...I can't stand the rain. ***************** The news reports that "in a phone conversation with Guatemalan President Alvaro Colom, Obama expressed his deep regret for the experiment conducted by US public health researchers in Guatemala between 1946 and 1948, and apologized "to all those affected. The US president also vowed that all human medical studies conducted today will be held to exacting US and international legal and ethical standards." (See, President Obama apologizes for STD tests in Guatemala .) What will be done differently? How will Obama's vow be accounted for? The Guatemalan STD medical experiments is part of long-standing criminal activities by the US medical and governmental establishment against the poorest and weakest of peoples on planet earth. Bill Clinton just apologized to Haitians for starving them to death and losing Haiti its food sovereignty. Yet, Hillary Clinton's State Department is pushing Monsanto hybrid seeds on Haiti's small farmers as earthquake relief and US is still dumping subsidized large agri-business food into Haiti under their preferential trade laws, or as earthquake relief. While in office George W. Bush had a policy against the Aristide government form 2000 to 2004 that strangled it financially and cause thousands upon thousands of Haitian suffering, lost and death. ( Video: C.I.A Operation in Haiti Before the Earthquake .) How is this long history of medical-government collusion to use humans as guinea pigs, and to depopulate Black and Brown countries going to be stopped? Will these glib apologies bring back lives lost, needless sufferings inflicted? Will US brutality end in Haiti and elsewhere on this planet? If you read this article from Natural News, you'll find a time-line detailing the long history of criminal testing on innocent and unsuspecting humans by the US government, dating back before WWII to the present. It's grim reading, just amazingly unconscionable stuff laid out for the world to see. And, people wonder why we at Ezili's HLLN are worried about the World Health Organization/WB current vaccination program of 5.7 million Haitians, particularly women of child-bearing age. Those who have not read Kissingers/Rockerfeller's genocide scheme for the Black and Brown world that still animates USAID, US-big agribusiness (GMOs, spermicidal corn, HIV tainted corn, et al"), private-military -companies, oil and pharmaceutical companies overseas ought to read Kissinger's National Security Memorandum 200. "Dr. Henry Kissinger proposed in his memorandum to the NSC that "depopulation should be the highest priority of U.S. foreign policy towards the Third World." He quoted reasons of national security, and because '(t)he U.S. economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less-developed countries ... Wherever a lessening of population can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resources, supplies and to the economic interests of U.S." Essentially, USAID and USDA's agricultural policies in Haiti has promoted famine as evidenced by Bill Clinton's recent apology to Haitians. US agribusiness and shippers benefit from US "aid" to Haiti more than the Haitians most in need. In fact, USAID projects have sterilize, starve (through use/non-use of food aid and free trade fraud promoting famine), promotion of sweatshops, slaughter (through dictatorships, Bush regime change, UN occupation), incarceration (masssive preventive detention) police/military brutality and contamination programs. US foreign policy to depopulate Black nations (Stolen Womb) have deployed all these methods to meet US State Department-Kissinger's depopulation agenda and to weaken Haiti's self-rule and public and social infrastructure initiatives. Population control, sterilization, force-assimilate, poison and starve - that is US foreign policy as carried out, say, since 1975 when President Ford signed off on Kissinger's NSSM 200 as official US foreign policy. It's basic US foreign policy to depopulate the world of Non-Nordic peoples and to maintain a financial colonial system that conserve the world's raw materials for the sole use of the few transnational corporations that holds up the post-World War II power structure. Not too long agon, in an article entitled "Who is Rajiv Shah, What are Haiti concerns about Shah/USAID," I noted that: "There is massive vaccination in Haiti after the 2004 Bush regime change. And we know that the World Health Organization (WHO) has been known to carry out vaccination programs with tetanus shots laced with an abortion agent and given only to Black and brown women of child bearing age." (See also, USAID-supported Bio tech firm develop HIV tainted GM corn, HIV Infection Rates Increase with eating US Corn in Sub Sahara Africa.) I take this opportunity ONCE AGAIN to ask any doctor in Haiti right now with access to take a sample of the VACCINES being given to all child bearing Haitian women and please sent it off to an independent lab for analysis. Prevention and self-defense is whole lot better than another Clinton-like apology 60 years from now. There is ABSOLUTELY no reason to trust the US and the World Health Organization with our Black bodies, NONE. (Relevant Ezili HLLN Links: Vaccinate Haiti? No - Stop using Haiti as a human laboratory ; HLLN Recommended Links on the Origins of Aids/HIV ; and, Haiti Defamed by Controversy HIV study!.) "Today USAID, World Bank, WHO, IMF and the NGOs - under the rhetoric of eliminating world hunger, disease and poverty are busy committing genocide as per Kissinger's NSSM 200. Depopulate Brown and Black countries, sterilize their masses, criminalize dissent, force assimilate, poison and starve, this US imperative is euphemistically referred to as "American exceptionalism" or more benevolently as a "double standard" and it is carried out by the select use (or, shall I say non-use) of food aid, US agri-business overseas food control, big oil's fuel control, medical technology, biotechnology and the pharmaceutical companies use of Black and Brown population as medical guinea pigs. The eugenics of the elite monopolistic US family businesses are well documented and started way before the founding "charitable foundations" of America like the Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, Carnegie Foundation up to today's over 14,000 NGOs in Haiti continuing their legacy. The top echelon amongst these tax-exempt foundations served as vehicles for the advancement and domination of powerful elite families at the expense of the welfare of most American citizens and of most of mankind. Contrary to popular belief, the idea of a blue-eyed Nordic master race was NOT solely a Nazi Germany fantasy. It has its early roots in the United States of America." (From Ezili Dantò's "Who is Rajiv Shah, What are Haiti concerns about Shah/USAID: USAID-supported Bio tech firm develop HIV tainted GM corn, HIV Infection Rates Increase with eating US Corn in Sub Sahara Africa and Video - Maafa 21 The History of Eugenics In America.) ***************** On US Senator Tom Corburn Also, this week, I was asked by well-intentioned and concerned folks who feel the rains falling on themselves as they think of the nearly two million Haitians homeless in the streets of Port au Prince without shelter. At least two people from the Ezili Network asked about what action to take because US Senator Tom Corburn is holding up the Congressional disbursement of US pledged millions to Haiti? Not a cent of the $1.15 billion the U.S. promised for rebuilding nearly nine months ago has arrived. Haitians still live on the streets between the 98% piles of rubble still unremoved. We're in the hurricane season. A storm hit Haiti last week. At least 6 earthquake survivors living in the streets were killed. It destroyed about 8,000 tents. If you'll remember, back on March 13, 2010, at the UN donor country pledging session, while the champaign bottles were still popping and the Clintons - Bill Clinton as UN Special Envoy to Haiti and Hillary Rodham Clinton as Secretary of State for Obama - were taking credit and celebrating the largess of the US for pledging a whopping $1.15 billion for earthquake relief aid to Haiti, I noted that this was political theater. The money would not get to needy Haitians. Nine months later, as the Clinton/Obama failures to mask disaster capitalism and true nature of US "aid" become more and more evident, it seems we all need to stop whinning about the zero progress and blame Tom Corburn for holding up over $900 million of that pledged US "gift" to Haiti. I tell you, my people, sometimes it's real difficult doing this job. I feel bad calling honest people foolish. But what else can I say. The very idea that one lone US Senator is holding US policy in Haiti is ludicrous. Yet, that's what the mainstream news is reporting! If anyone really believes that Washington's pledge monies is being held up by one lone U.S. Senator and not by entrenched US policies towards Haiti, than I've got the Brooklyn bridge to sell them also. I hate to push at this willful passive acceptance of lies and the US policy-makers genocide that's happening all over the world. But folks, get a clue, please. Small babies are cold and trembling, with no roof over their heads, naked in the rain. With stronger winds coming. Are you impervious to their shivering, their hunger, misery, sickness and deaths? I know Haitians most appreciate the honest sentiment of those who actually don't know anything about the false benevolence of US policy-makers and their NGOs and corporations in Haiti. I certainly don't mean to offend those who just have no clue, but people please get a clue before more human beings die needlessly. The story the mainstream media and even Keith Oberman who should know better are selling, goes like this, supposedly US Senator Tom Coburn doesn't think there's a necessity for both a US Ambassador and this new office of "special coordinator for Haiti" that will cost, uhmm "a paltry 5million." I agree with Tom Coburn on this. Haiti has already been "gifted" the new Bill Clinton/Paul Farmer office of Special UN envoy and Deputy Envoy to Haiti, financed at the tune of $800,000 extra to be added to the UN $710 million per year budget to secure Haiti and push US endeavors in reconstruction. Haiti has the US ambassador, the 14,000 foreign NGOs, the US private security contractors, the 22 million (gourdes) set aside to have a UN/Clinton Liaison Office in Port au Prince headed by Leslie Voltaire, all, supposedly marketing earthquake reconstruction for Clinton/UN and presumably the Obama appointed Clinton-Bush fund. US holding up funds may be attributed to Coburn, but that's a silly cop out and frivolous distraction. How do these US policy-makers explain that the World Bank and UNDP are holding up the monies they've actually COLLECTED from other donor countries and not spending it while 1.7 to 2million Haitians die under tents, tarps and sheets for nine months now. Can't sleep on inches of rainwater and fetid waste BECAUSE the UNDP, a quasi-private UN entity, is in a tug-a-war, internal fight with the World Bank? The UNDP insists that donor countries are pledging through the UN, thus Haiti donor monies should be held in the UNDP bank account, not deposited with the World Bank run by the US because Bill Clinton says so. Uhmm, why? 'Cause UNDP would lose the 7% "administration fee" it takes off the top of donor countries monies. Is Tom Corbun controlling this? No. The US and UN are. And that means the Security Council and so mostly the US and its allies are holding up funds already collected and letting the people die. But is this a surprise and to whom? I know most of you have read about Bill Clinton's glib apology for destroying Haiti's food sovereignty with US trade deals while he was in office. Those familiar with Ezili's HLLN no doubt knows about how the US slaughtered 1.3 million livestock of the Haitian peasants to make them poorer and force them to accept unfair wages at US assembly plants... And how the peasant farmers' way of life in Haiti is so dangerous to US-hoard-it-all, profit-over-people-system, they destroy Haiti with coup d'etats and humanitarian embargos, at every turn. The abandonment and destruction of the two million Haitian earthquake victims is not an ISOLATED INCIDENT. It's part of SOLID US policy and Americans who continue to deny this, are fooling themselves. Those who have not read Kissingers/Rockerfeller's genocide scheme for the Black and Brown world that still animates USAID, US-big agribusiness (GMOs and spermicidal corn, et al"), private-military-companies, oil and pharmaceutical companies overseas ought to read it. The UN has been a tool of destruction of Black countries since the assassination of Patrice Lumumba in the Congo. The Belgians, Duponts and other US/Euro elites helped murder 50 million innocent people in the Congo and that has never been brought to criminal trial like Nuremberg. Never. The Rockerfeller/Kissinger depopulation scheme and the eugenics before it, is still this world's "white" minority's highest priority. As Kissinger said,its the "highest priority of U.S. foreign policy towards the Third World." The resource wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, the Caribbean with Haiti, Cuba and Venezuela, is about the perceived economic interests of the U.S. The Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton Apology Why is Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama's apologies to the Guatemalans for US medical experiments done on them political theater? Because these experiments have not stopped. GMOs, for instance, have certainly not been duly tested and they are being spread abroad and in the US. There most likely are other experiments like the Guatemalan one happening right now. At least if the last two centuries of US history is to be trusted. The article entitled, "Guatemalan STD medical experiments were just one crime in a long history of medical-government collusion to use humans as guinea pigs" explains why, as follows: "The discovery of this medical experiment generated a series of official U.S. responses that can only be called political theater given how contrived they are. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton went on the record saying, "Although these events occurred more than 64 years ago, we are outraged that such reprehensible research could have occurred under the guise of public health... We deeply regret that it happened, and we apologize to all the individuals who were affected by such abhorrent research practices." ***************** A few months before Bill Clinton apologized to Haitians for the US starving the country with subsidized Arkansas rice and losing Haiti more than 830,000 rural jobs, pushing the poor into the over-crowded capital in search of US factory jobs, where on Jan 12, over 300,000 would lose their lives. Did Tom Corbun sit at the helm of the US to do this? Indeed, these Obama/Clinton apologies are political THEATER. The US has a long, long, long history of killing, experimenting and allowing the poor to die without help. A long history. Critical thinkers had better start understanding before the US pharmaceutical elites and their US government stooges try another swine flu pandemic in order to get US citizens to be guinea pigs and then come to the rescue with "the cure". It's all about PROFIT folks, profit, profit, profit. (See, Journalist Files Charges against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder ; Vaccines and Medical Experiments on Children, Minorities, Woman and Inmates (1845 - 2007) ; and The Slavery in Haiti the Media Won't Expose.) "Haiti peasants (over 6-million in a population of 10m) live off small plots of land mostly in family compounds called Lakou and practice collaborative family-unit living and collective work system called the Konbit. The neocolonial system in place in Haiti by the Western powers seek to destroy Haiti's peasant system and small independent farmers at all costs. Besides the unremitting demonizing of Vodun, the US, for instance, has slaughtered their livestock - 1.3 million black Kreyòl pigs. And, to force peasants into assembly plant jobs paying less than .38cents an hour, making products to export and to use cultivated land from production of food for local consumption to production of export crops, also for consumers abroad, the US has put in place food "aid" and preferential trade laws for its corporations. In the last decades, US dumping large agribusiness subsidized rice and other foods, as free food or that sell at cheaper prices than the food the peasant's produce impoverished the peasant, caused massive migration to the capital, or to overloaded boats seeking life elsewhere, lost Haiti more than 830,000 rural jobs." (Excerpted from - The Divine Mother: Ezili, Aset and Isis .) rain. ***************** The private US charities have collected 1.5 billion in funds from compassionate US citizens who wanted to help the Haiti earthquake victims. Is Tom Corbun responsible because the Red Cross (of $500million collected, spent less than 30% in nine months), Catholic Relief Services, World Vision, Global Clinton Initiative, Clinton-Bush fund, are earning interest on this money for their executives, paying their administration fees and not spending their donations for reconstruction 9 months on. Is Coburn holding that up? 'Course not. (Haiti's Enslavement: The Ruling Oligarchy and World Profit-over-People System, Part 1 by Ezili Dantò of HLLN.) Haitians are allowed to suffer and die to attain US geopolitical interests. Without a clear understanding of this, we're just spinning our wheels, fixing our gaze on the distractions. There is a donor's bill of rights US donor to Haiti earthquake victims may resort to for pressuring accountability of the private charities. As for the US, the UN - they're in the poverty business, didn't you know? If you want to save Haitian lives, change US foreign policy in Haiti. End the US occupation, stop the zero tariff preferential treatment to large agri-business, Wal Mart, JCPenny, oil and pharmaceutical companies and the injustice they uphold. Ask for a new US-Haiti partnership. Fair trade not "free trade." End the NGO invasion and the poverty business and the fraudulent extra "danger pay" they're into getting for "working" in Haiti. (There's MORE violence in Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Brazil, Mexico, Columbia, even in the United States than there is in Haiti.) I wish I could be more helpful, but the system is what needs to be changed. Citizens who are concerned need to mobilize, mobilize, mobilize and tell Washington profit over people is unacceptable and does not represent US touted values... A few letters won't get us anywhere. At Ezili's HLLN, we've been writing letters for seven years now... What did it accomplish? Along with so many others on this planet, we helped push the election of Obama and got Bush/Clinton/Wall Street back. No change. I don't have the definitive answers; we all must find those together. But, I can say that those who truly want to help Haitians homeless on the streets of the capital, under the rains and hurricane, please, please, forget US pledge of millions, forget UN pledges of multi-millions, forget Canadian pledges and find ONE Haitian family that's living under a tent. Help them provide for THEMSELVES. We'll give you some ideas if you need help on this. Help that family or a Haitian-led organization like Rea Dol, SOPUDEP that is helping a whole community of people with no means at all. Those who wish to donate to SOPUDEP may and Rea Dol's work may go to - http://www.sopudep.org/donate. Help Ezili Dantò/HLLN circulate the truth the mainstream media won't touch. Re-post our writings; send the background links already formatted for you to place on Twitter and Facebook. Join our Ezili Listserve. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Only with your help can we change the status-quo narrative, make a real difference. For other contact information on Haiti-led organization that are doing a Herculean job to save lives, please write to erzilidanto@yahoo.com It's been raining for days and days and days now with no significant let-up. The rain drops feel like tears. The sobbing of 300,000 Haitians gone in 33 seconds on January 12, 2010. I can't stand the rain. So much lost. Needless lost. Are we willing to let the survivors who've gone through so much lost, so much lost, needlessly just suffer and die, also? I can't stand the rain. It's pouring down. Barack Obama's vows mean zilch. For a new US-Haiti partnership, consider reading and acting upon: 1. Ezili HLLN's 14-Points for the Voiceless in Haiti: For a Return of Haiti's Sovereignty and for Disaster relief, Rebuilding with Human Rights, Healing and Dignity - http://bit.ly/9lXlRF 2. Haiti Policy Statement to Team Obama http://bit.ly/62p0T8 , and 3. 2010 HLLN Take Action Action Alerts http://bit.ly/axEZd3 ************************************************************ Forwarded by Ezili's Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network ("HLLN") ************************************************************ BACKGROUND LINKS: Video: C.I.A Operation in Haiti Before the Earthquake http://bit.ly/cAShRS President Obama apologizes for STD tests in Guatemala http://yhoo.it/cLiz6p and Hillary Clinton apologizes to Guatemalans for secret STD experiments - http://yhoo.it/c1KU47 Guatemalan STD medical experiments were just one crime in a long history of medical-government collusion to use humans as guinea pigs - http://bit.ly/axdqNo Vaccines and Medical Experiments on Children, Minorities, Woman and Inmates (1845 - 2007) - http://bit.ly/bK1KsB Journalist Files Charges against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder - http://bit.ly/aMFjgh The Slavery in Haiti the Media Won't Expose http://bit.ly/1zFCt Stolen Womb - Indigenous Women Most at Risk http://bit.ly/b3EbOD The Divine Mother: Ezili, Aset and Isis http://bit.ly/9jjFye Haiti's Enslavement: The Ruling Oligarchy and World Profit-over-People System, Part 1 by Ezili Dantò of HLLN --- http://bit.ly/aKkrR4 Expose the lies: Violent Haiti is a myth - There's MORE violence in Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Brazil, Mexico, Columbia, even in the United States than there is in Haiti. http://bit.ly/drW775 Lessons From Haiti: How Food Aid Can Harm http://bit.ly/aOqWqm U.S. food aid inefficient, wasteful & pro-business http://bit.ly/9P7331 Haitians Want an End to Violent UN/MINUSTAH Occupation http://bit.ly/9pCVGm Other Relevant Ezili HLLN Links: Vaccinate Haiti? No - Stop using Haiti as a human laboratory http://bit.ly/cILbLN HLLN Recommended Links on the Origins of Aids/HIV http://bit.ly/artndu Haiti Defamed by Controversy HIV study! http://bit.ly/acYwPX Video - Maafa 21 The History of Eugenics In America Part 1 of 13 http://bit.ly/apnBTs Author's Bio: Human Rights Lawyer, Ezili Danto/Marguerite Laurent is dedicated to correcting the media lies and colonial narratives about Haiti. A writer, performance poet and lawyer, Ezili Danto is founder of the Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network, runs the Ezili Danto website, listserve, eyewitness project, FreeHaitiMovement and the on-line journal, Haitian Perspectives. |
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