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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Humorous rant about Bailouts for billionaires who launder drug cartel profits

Today’s videos range from toxicological reports on the Gulf of Mexico to the FBI raids on anti-war activists who dared to oppose military aid to Israel.
But first up is a short but humorous rant about  Bailouts for billionaires who launder drug cartel profits.

The next two videos are from Dr Riki Ott who is a toxicologist.

In the first video she describes the  symptoms of exposure to dispersants.

In this video she warns us that   scientific genetic manipulations has produced oil eating microbes which can now eat human flesh just like MRSA.

Shelly Roche is back. This time she is editorializing against the 
‘Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act’  which she says will do its part to kill the Internet.


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